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Q&A with Steve Migs

Co-Host of BJ & Migs, Mornings on 99.9 KISW - The Rock of Seattle

By Marguerite Cleveland

Photo by Samantha Tillman

Steve Migs is a true renaissance man. He is a radio personality, drummer for the band Bruiser Brody and a pro wrestler. Quite the resume. This expat moved to Washington from Brooklyn, New York, after graduating from college. He was drawn here by the Pacific Northwest music scene. He fell in love with the area and after 20 years considers it his home.

Q. KISW just celebrated its 50th anniversary. Can you tell our readers the importance of KISW in your life?

A. I am typically not a person that gets caught up with nostalgia, [but] it was great to hear them remind all of us how lucky we are to work at a station with such history … and how important this station has been for me. Had it not been for this station, I would have never met my wife Sydney. She is truly my best friend and supporter; she has made me a better person. Without meeting my wife, I would have never been so blessed to have our daughter, Tatum, who just turned 1 year old in December. And to say that this has been the best year of my life would be an understatement.

KISW has introduced me to some of my best friends, and so many memories I’ll forever cherish. I am a drummer, and a couple years ago we interviewed members of the band Stone Temple Pilots (one of my absolute favorite bands). During the interview I mentioned how much of a musical influence they have had on me and my band (Bruiser Brody), and they invited us to join them on stage to play a song. My bandmate, Glenn Cannon, and I joined them on stage to perform in front of over 15,000 screaming fans at White River Amphitheater for KISW’s Pain In The Grass festival.

Q. I have to ask. What is it like to be the clean-shaven guy in a band with some pretty impressive hair and beards?

A. Ha-ha! This is the best question ever. Bruiser Brody started when my good friend Glenn Cannon and I started talking about doing a fun project that our listeners (we do a podcast together called the MigsCast) could follow along with from its inception to our first show. We hit up some of our good friends and favorite musicians to be a part of it. As we started writing and recording, we realized that we had something special with our band, but it wasn’t until after our first show and I looked at some of the pictures taken that I realized that I am in a band surrounded by some dudes with incredible hair! It wasn’t intentional, but it is a cool visual that there is all of this hair flying on stage—and then there is me and my bald head in the background on the drums! Most importantly though, I get to play music with four of my favorite musicians in Travis Bracht, Glenn Cannon, Jeff Rouse and JT Phillips. I am a very lucky fella!

Q. Music is an important part of wrestling, with many wrestlers having a theme song, but it is rare to see a musician who is also a wrestler.

A. I started wrestling just a few years ago when I turned 40. I figured I needed a mid-life crisis after all, so why not get body slammed in a ring in my free time!? It’s one of the most challenging things I have ever done, which is part of why I love doing it. There is something amazing about showing up to a venue, meeting your opponent, and together creating something that will get a room full of people to get lost in the match and suspend all disbelief. It’s like creating an action movie scene for people to watch in person. The combination of physicality, improv performance and crowd interaction is what I especially love about being a wrestler.

Q. Can you elaborate on your charitable/nonprofit work with your wife Sydney? What causes do you support? And why is it important to give back?

A. One of the charitable causes that we feel strongly about is animal rescue, as we have donated to and partnered up with Motley Zoo Animal Rescue over the years at KISW. In fact, I just recently learned that Wicked Pie Pizza (an awesome restaurant in Puyallup) is naming a pizza after me. The pizza is being called “The Migs,” and proceeds from sales of the pizza will go to Motley Zoo!

Also, through KISW, we have partnered with Operation Warm and the Washington State Council Of Firefighters for our “Coats For Kids” program. We raise money to help put brand new coats on kids in need during the winter season … and in the last three years we have raised over $145,000! Last year KISW partnered with Mary’s Place for a few fundraisers, including our “Kicks For Kids” program. We raised over $36,000 to get kids in need brand new shoes of their choice. For the last 10 years, I have partnered with the Seattle Thunderbirds (junior hockey team) and their Hockey Challenge fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House. In 22 years, the Thunderbirds have raised over $6.6 million. For me, all these charitable causes and partnerships are no brainers—a chance to help kids, and animals.



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