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Non-Invasive Body Contouring

Tired of crunches and squats? New science delivers body sculpting without the gym

By Bri Williams, RN, BSN

If hours at the gym and a restrictive diet have left you with sub-optimal results, you may want to consider EmSculpt Neo, a non-invasive device that delivers results equivalent to a 16-week workout program, all in just four short weeks. EmSculpt Neo launched in fall 2020 and is a next-generation, FDA-cleared device that combines enhanced HIFEM (high-intensity electromagnetic field) technology with radiofrequency (RF) energy in the form of heat to burn fat more effectively and build muscle. This results in more fat reduction and muscle growth, with clinical studies showing a 30 percent reduction in fat and 25 percent increase in muscle in the treated area. Below we break down frequently asked questions and all the details on the cutting-edge treatment.

What areas can EmSculpt Neo treat?

This nonsurgical treatment can tighten, tone and strengthen the large muscle groups of the abdomen and buttocks, as well as smaller muscle groups such as the calved, biceps and triceps.

How many EmSculpt Neo sessions are required to see results?

Four 30-minute treatments one week apart are recommended. The reduction in fat is permanent if your weight stays within 20 pounds of your treatment weight. A maintenance treatment is recommended every six months to maintain your muscle growth. You will begin to see results after your first treatment and continue to see improvement up to three months after your fourth treatment.

Is there any downtime with EmSculpt Neo?

EmSculpt Neo is a non-invasive procedure that requires no recovery time or any pre-treatment preparation. During your treatment, a light tapping motion is done to release the lactic acid from the muscle, which results in less soreness than you would experience after a hard day at the gym.

What does EmSculpt Neo feel like?

The treatment feels like an intense workout with a warming sensation in the treated area. You can lay down and relax during the treatment.

How much does Emsculpt Neo cost?

The cost of EmSculpt Neo varies from region and practice location. According to Real Self, an online directory for cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery, a series of four treatments averages $3,050.

Who is a good candidate for Emsculpt Neo?

Clients with a BMI up to 35—higher than most other nonsurgical body contouring treatment options—are good candidates. It is recommended that you schedule a consultation with your aesthetic provider to assess your goals and whether EmSculpt is right for you.

Contraindications to EmSculpt Neo include metal or electronic implants in the treatment area, cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators, implanted neurostimulators, drug pumps, malignant tumors, epilepsy or hemorrhagic conditions. Results are improved when combined with a healthy lifestyle that includes aerobic exercise and a balanced diet that is limited in refined sugars and processed foods.

To learn more about the world’s only FDA-approved fat-reducing and muscle-building treatment, visit or schedule an appointment with your aesthetic provider.

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