By Dr. Eyford D.C.

As the new year begins, many of our patients begin the time-honored tradition of
setting their New Year’s resolutions. Only to find out a month later that they either
forgot what their resolutions were, or had already broken their promises to
themselves. There is a better way! Now is the perfect time to hit the reset button on
the past and reshape your future by laying out the blueprints for the next chapter in
your life.
We recommend that you simplify your goal setting process and try something
different…choose ONE WORD to focus on next year!
The best-selling book, “One Word that will change your life” has been helping
thousands of successful people and organizations for more than a decade achieve
their best years over and over again. The reason…. It’s simple. Instead of creating
endless lists, goals, wishes and resolutions, the book instructs you how to find the
one word that will become your driving force for the next year.
By following these 3 simple steps, you’ll be on your way finding your One Word for
the next year:
1) Look In: Ask yourself these 3 questions:
a. What do I need more of?
b. What do I need to less of?
c. What’s standing in my way?
2) Look Up: Ask your spiritual guide for clues.
a. Spend a considerable amount of time thinking about what One
Word might shape your destiny in the next year for the better.
b. Be open to what the universe is telling you what your word should
be. Remember the universe communicates in strange ways!
3) Look Out: Live your word and transform your world
a. List 3 things that will constantly remind you of your One Word
b. Share your One Word with your loved ones and your team
There is One Word meant for you and when you find it, live it, and share it, your life
will become more rewarding and exciting than ever. Share your word with family
members, make a collage with it, save it as a background on your phone or
computer, etc.…make it yours and own it!! Introduce this concept to your family and
encourage your children to do the same.
It is a tradition in our office to invite the staff to choose One Word for the upcoming
year and we have our pictures with our Word up in our back office to remind us of it
all year long. As we look back on another fantastic year at The Health Connection,
we want to express our sincere gratitude that we have been able to serve so many in
our practice this year. We are looking forward to a very exciting 2023 with lots of
positive changes and success stories to come. We hope that you have found this
helpful and please remember to come up with your One Word for the next
year….We have!!
Best Wishes in 2023